Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Wobbly Three-legged Stool
Even though workers are commemorated annually with a one-day break from labor (Labor Day), a more permanent break occurs at retirement.  Retirement from a life of work is still a relatively modern development.  Preparing for it financially and psychologically continues to challenge even the most careful planners.  According to the Social Security Administration, "the three major elements of your retirement portfolio are benefits from pensions, savings and investments, and Social Security benefits." 
The Social Security Administration expects the program to be unable to meet its financial obligations beginning in 2042.  Simply put, the number of people taking money out of the system in 2042 will be greater than the number of people putting money into it.  According to statistics released by the Social Security Administration, by 2031, there will be almost twice as many older Americans than there are today, rising from the current 37 million to 71 million over that period.  At present, the government's solution for addressing this imbalance is to increase the retirement age, thus delaying payouts to now younger workers on their eventual retirements.  

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