Sunday, August 4, 2013

Threes of Modern Design

Ever wonder what constitutes successful modern design?  IDEO, a large, international firm, designed the Apple mouse way back when and the Palm hand-held organizer.  Recently, a wider lid for Samuel Adams beers.  It designs services as well.

“There are three main elements to IDEO’s ‘design thinking.’  The first is ‘lots of different eyes.’  It employs people from wildly different backgrounds—surgeons and anthropologists as well as engineers and designers—and lumps them into multidisciplinary teams.  The second is to look at problems from the consumer’s point of view: for example, conducting detailed interviews with patients about their daily pill-taking routines and how they feel about them.  IDEO likes to focus on the outliers rather than the typical customers—people who have demanding medical regimes or who constantly forget to take their tablets—on the assumption that this produces more useful results.

“The third element is making everything tangible.  The company produces mock-ups of its products and processes to see how people react to them ‘in the wild.’”

We need firms such as IDEO to help us re-think everything every so often.

from Schumpeter, “Back to the drawing-board,” The Economist, July 6, 2013. 

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