Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Holy Trinity

The symbol of the trinity representing the father, son and the holy ghost or holy spirit is a part of Christian doctrine that defines God as three divine persons. They exist as equals.
According to this doctrine, God exists as three persons but is still one God, meaning that God the Son and God the Holy Spirit have exactly the same nature or being as God the Father in every way. Whatever attributes and power God the Father has, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit have as well. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are also omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, infinitely holy, infinitely loving, infinitely wise and eternal.

Three days and three nights from crucifixion to resurrection; three Marys at the tomb of Jesus; on the third day he arose—all figure prominently in the story of the Resurrection. 

From Threes, Chapter Four, “Threes in Religion and Mythology” 

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