Sunday, August 31, 2014

An Economist's Big Three

Here we are at the beginning of another school year.  What an appropriate time, then, to share the opening of economist and CATO Institute scholar Arnold Kling’s essay published in 2007.   

“Education is an example of an issue where free-market proponents were betrayed by the Republicans during the Bush Administration. In fact, on the domestic issues that I consider important, my take on the Republican Party in the 2006 elections was, “With friends like you, who needs enemies?” This essay lays out what I would like to see on the agenda, and how I will be keeping score.
“I start by taking seriously the forecast of economic historian Robert Fogel, which is that our economy will be increasingly dominated by education, health care and leisure. Therefore, the focus of the free-market agenda should be on limiting government’s encroachments into those areas. The encroachment comes from public education, government spending on health care, and government management of retirement savings.
“The goals of the free-market agenda should be:
  1. Increase the proportion of children who are schooled outside of the public school system.
  2. Increase the proportion of health care spending that is paid for directly by consumers.
  3. Limit the fraction of people’s lives where they collect Social Security.”

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